1258 "Enable optimization of image sequences" = "Aktivera optimering av bildsekvenser"
1299 "&Profile name:" = "&Profilnamn:"
122 "Register" = "Registrera"
1335 "The product is already registered. If you received a different registration key fill this new information in the fields below exactly as they appear in the instructions you received and press OK. You can copy/paste the information if you wish" = "Denna product Σr registrerad. Om du erhσllit en annan registreringsnyckel fyller du i den nya nyckeln i fΣltet under, exakt som den visas i informationen du fσtt. Sedan trycker du pσ OK."
1337 "If you paid the license fee and received a registration name and key please fill this information in the fields below exactly as they appear in the instructions you received and press OK. You can copy/paste the information if you wish" = "Om du betalt f÷r att fσ en licens och erhσllit ett registreringsnamn och nyckel fyller du i den nya informationen i fΣlten hΣr inunder, exakt som den visas i informationen du fσtt. Sedan trycker du pσ OK. Du kan Σven kopiera/klistra in informationen om du sσ ÷nskar."
2305 "Attachments Panel" = "Panel f÷r det bifogade"
2306 "Full Screen" = "HelskΣrm"
2307 "Layers Panel" = "Lagerpanel"
2308 "Page only" = "Enbart sidan"
2309 "Bookmarks Panel" = "Panel f÷r BokmΣrken"
2310 "Pages Panel" = "Sidopanel"
2311 "Browse for a destination folder for your PDF files" = "S÷k en destinationsmapp f÷r dina PDF filer"
2312 "Save PDF File As" = "Spara PDF Filen Som"
2313 "Your registration key has %1!d! licenses. You installed %2!s! on more computers. Please uninstall from %3!d! computers" = "Din registreringsnyckel har %1!d! licens. Du installerade %2!s! i ytterligare dator. Var vΣnlig avinstallera frσn %3!d! datorn"
2314 "&Quality:" = "Kvalitet:"
2315 "Q&uality:" = "Kvalitet:"
2316 "Qu&ality:" = "Kv&alitet:"
2317 "&Level:" = "Nivσ:"
2318 "L&evel:" = "Nivσ:"
2319 "Le&vel:" = "Ni&vσ:"
2320 "Minimum" = "Minimum"
2321 "Low" = "Lσg"
2322 "Medium" = "Medium"
2323 "High" = "H÷g"
2324 "Maximum" = "Maximum"
2325 "Fastest" = "Snabbaste"
2326 "Normal" = "Normal"
2327 "Maximum" = "Maximum"
2328 "Page number should be between 1 and 999" = "Sidnummer skall vara mellan 1 och 999"
2329 "Document" = "Dokument"
2330 "New Computer" = "Ny Dator"
2331 "You already used all licenses available from your registration. Please remove unused computers from the licensed computers list or buy additional licenses" = "Du har anvΣnt de licenser som registrerats f÷r Dig. VΣnligen ta bort oanvΣnda datorer frσn listan med licensierade datorer eller k÷p ytterligare licenser"
2332 "The computer (%s) is already in the licensed computers list" = "Denna dator (%s) finns redan i listan ÷ver licenserade datorer"
2333 "Are you sure you want to remove the selected computer (%s) from licensed computers list?" = "─r du sΣker pσ att du vill ta bort den valda datorn (%s) frσn listan ÷ver licenserade datorer"
2334 "Remove Computer" = "Ta bort Datorn"
2336 "Rename Computer" = "Byt namn pσ Datorn"
2338 "Computer name (&DNS):" = "Dator namn (&DNS):"
2339 "Computer name (Net&BIOS):" = "Dator namn (Net&BIOS):"
2340 "Licenses" = "Licenser"
2341 "You chose to use NetBIOS names. Please check that all computers in the licensed computers list have correct NetBIOS names" = "Du valde att anvΣnda NetBIOS namnet. VΣnligen kontrollera att alla datorer i listan f÷r licenserade datorer har korrekt NetBIOS namn"
2359 "You cannot define more custom forms because you reached the maximum allowed form number. Please delete unused forms" = "Du kan inte ange fler egengjorda formulΣr f÷r du har anvΣnt alla du har lov till. VΣnligen ta bort oanvΣnda formulΣr"
2360 "Copy of %s" = "Kopia av %s"
2361 "Please select a form to copy" = "VΣnligen vΣlj formulΣr att kopiera"
2362 "Copy (%1!d!) of %2!s!" = "Kopiera (%1!d!) av %2!s!"
2364 "Are you sure you want to delete the selected form (%s)?" = "─r du sΣker pσ att du vill ta bort valt formulΣr (%s)?"
2365 "The page width should be between 10 and 10000 millimeters" = "Sidans bredd skall vara mellan 10 och 10000 millimeter"
2366 "The page height should be between 10 and 10000 millimeters" = "Sidans h÷jd skall vara mellan 10 och 10000 millimeter"
2367 "You did not specify a name for the form. Form names cannot be empty" = "Du namngav inte formulΣret. Ett formulΣrnamn kan inte vara tomt"
2368 "A form with this name (%s) already exists. Please specify a different name" = "Ett formulΣr med detta naman (%s)finns redan. VΣnligen vΣlj ett annat namn"
2370 "Margins and Zoom" = "Marginaler och Zoom"
2371 "The sum of the left and right margins cannot exceed 2/3 of the page width. The margins will be adjusted automatically" = "Summan av den vΣnstra och h÷gra marginalen kan inte ÷verskrida 2/3 av hela sidans bredd. Marginalerna justeras automatiskt"
2372 "The sum of the top and bottom margins cannot exceed 2/3 of page height. The margins will be adjusted automatically" = "Summan av topp och botten marginalerna kan inte ÷verskrida 2/3 av sidans h÷jd. Marginalerna justeras automatiskt"
2373 "Zoom value should be between 1 and 400. It will be adjusted automatically" = "Zoomens vΣrde skall ha ett vΣrde mellan 1 och 400. VΣrdet justeras automatiskt"
2374 "The left origin should be increased so at least 1/3 of the page will be drawn. It will be adjusted automatically" = "Den vΣnstra kΣllan skall ut÷kas sσ att minst 1/3 av sidan blir utdragen. Det justeras automatiskt"
2375 "The left origin should be decreased so at least 1/3 of the page will be drawn. It will be adjusted automatically" = "Den vΣnstra kΣllan skall minskas sσ att minst 1/3 av sidan blir utdragen. Det justeras automatiskt"
2376 "The top origin should be increased so at least 1/3 of the page will be drawn. It will be adjusted automatically" = "Toppen av kΣllan skall ut÷kas sσ att minst 1/3 av sidan blir utdragen. Det justeras automatiskt"
2377 "The top origin should be decreased so at least 1/3 of the page will be drawn. It will be adjusted automatically" = "Toppen av kΣllan skall minskas sσ att minst 1/3 av sidan blir utdragen. Det justeras automatiskt"
2378 "Page margins, zoom and origin are not valid for the new page size. Do you wish to continue and revert these properties to default values?" = "Sidans marginaler, zoom och kΣlla Σr inte giltliga f÷r denna nya sida. ╓nskar du fortsΣtta och σtergσ till de standard vΣrdena?"
2379 "Scale value should be between 1 and 400. It will be adjusted automatically" = "Skalans vΣrde skall vara mellan 1 och 400. Det justeras automatiskt"
2380 "Resolution should be between 50 and 2400. It will be adjusted automatically" = "Uppl÷sningen skall ha ett vΣrde mellan 50 coh 2400. Det justeras automatiskt"
2381 "The page width should be between 10 and 10000 millimeters. It will be adjusted automatically" = "Sidans bredd skall ha ett vΣrde mellan 10 och 10000 millimeter. Det justeras automatiskt"
2382 "The page height should be between 10 and 10000 millimeters. It will be adjusted automatically" = "Sidans h÷jd skall ha ett vΣrde mellan 10 och 10000 millimeter. Det justeras automatiskt"
2383 "Page" = "Sida"
2384 "New Profile" = "Ny Profil"
2385 "Copy of %s" = "Kopia av %s"
2386 "Copy (%1!d!) of %2!s!" = "Kopiera (%s1!d!) av %2!s!"
2387 "There is already a profile with this name (%s). Please specify a different name" = "Det finns redan en profil med detta namn(%s). VΣnligen ange ett annat namn"
2394 "You cannot define more profiles because you reached the maximum allowed number. Please delete unused profiles" = "Du kan inte skapa fler profiler p.g.a. du anvΣnt de antal du har lov till. VΣnligen ta bort oanvΣnda profiler"
2396 "Are you sure you want to delete selected profile (%s)?" = "─r du sΣker pσ att du vill ta bort profilen (%s)"
2397 "This profile (%s) is already the active profile" = "Denna profil (%s) Σr alla redan den aktiva profilen"
2398 "Save changes made to previous active profile (%s)?" = "Spara Σndringar till f÷regσende aktiva profil (%s)?"
2400 "The user passwords do not match. Please retype password in both fields" = "AnvΣndarens l÷senord ÷verensstΣmmer inte. VΣnligen skriv l÷senordet igen i bσda fΣlten"
2401 "The owner passwords do not match. Please retype password in both fields" = "─garens l÷senord ÷verensstΣmmer inte. VΣnligen skriv l÷senordet igen i bσda fΣlten"
2402 "Security" = "SΣkerhet"
2403 "Example:" = "Exempel:"
2404 "The macro you entered is not valid" = "Makrot du angav Σr inte giltligt"
2405 "DocumentName" = "DokumentNamn"
2406 "Prompt Save As dialog" = "Omgσende Spara Som dialog"
2407 "Auto number new files" = "Numrera nya filer automatiskt"
2408 "Append date and time" = "LΣgg till datum och tid"
2409 "Overwrite" = "Skriv ÷ver"
2410 "Auto number existing files" = "Numrera existerande filer automatiskt"
2411 "Registration name" = "Registrerat namn"
2412 "Registration key" = "Registrerings nyckel"
2413 "Number of licenses" = "Antal licenser"
2414 "Used licenses" = "AnvΣnda licenser"
2416 "Unlimited number of licenses" = "ObegrΣnsat antal licenser"
2421 "Not Registered" = "Inte Registrerad"
2422 "Please contact your network administrator for information about the registration" = "VΣnligen ta kontakt med din nΣtverksadminstrat÷r gΣllande registreringen"
2423 "DEMO version for novaPDF SDK" = "DEMO version f÷r novaPDF SDK"
2424 "Licenses" = "Licenser"
2425 "There was an error while reading the registration information. Please register again" = "Ett fel uppstod vid lΣsandet av registrerings informationen. VΣnligen f÷rs÷k igen"
2428 "Register" = "Registrera"
2429 "Please enter your registration name" = "Skriv ditt registrerings namn"
2430 "Please enter your registration key" = "Skriv din registrerings nyckel"
2431 "License key successfully registered" = "Registrering av licensnyckel lyckades"
2432 "The registration name or registration key you entered is invalid. Please retype or copy/paste the registration information again" = "Registrerings namnet eller registrerings nyckeln Σr ogiltiga. Skriv eller kopiera/klistra in registreringsinformationen igen"
2433 "Version" = "Version"
2434 "Build" = "Skapad"
2435 "Registration expires in %d days" = "Registreringen upph÷r om %d dag(ar)"
2437 "You chose to use DNS names. Please check that all computers in the licensed computers list have correct DNS names" = "Du har valt att anvΣnda ett DNS namn. Kontrollera att alla datorer i listan ÷ver licenserade datorer har korrekt DNS namn"
2438 "%s license" = "%s licens(er)"
2441 "You chose to send generated PDF files by email. Please open the Configure Email window and specify the email recipient address (To field)" = "Du valde att skicka den skapade PDF filen med e-post. ╓ppna Konfigureringsf÷nstret f÷r E-post och skriv mottagarens adress i fΣltet (Till)"
2442 "You chose to send generated PDF files by email. Please open the Configure Email window and specify the email sender address (From field)" = "Du valde att skicka den skapade PDF filen med e-post. ╓ppna Konfigureringsf÷nstret f÷r E-post och skriv avsΣndarens adress i fΣltet (Frσn)"
2443 "You chose to send generated PDF files by email using SMTP. Please open the Configure SMTP window and specify the SMTP server" = "Du valde att skicka den skapade PDF filen med SMTP. ╓ppna Konfigureringsf÷nstret f÷r SMTP och ange SMTP server"
2444 "You chose to send generated PDF files by email using SMTP. Please open the Configure SMTP window and specify the SMTP port" = "Du valde att skicka den skapade PDF filen med SMTP. ╓ppna Konfigureringsf÷nstret f÷r SMTP och ange SMTP port"
2445 "Email" = "E-post"
2446 "Because your SMTP server requires authentification, you should specify a valid user account and password" = "Din SMTP server krΣver verifiering av dig, du mσste skriva in namnet pσ ett giltigt anvΣndarkonto och tillh÷rande l÷senord"
2447 "Configure Email" = "Konfigurera E-post"
2448 "Save" = "Spara"
2449 "You chose to run an application after the PDF file is saved. Please specify the application name and path" = "Du valde att starta en blankett efter att PDF filen sparats. Skriv namnet pσ blanketten samt s÷kvΣgen till den"
2450 "You chose to name the generated PDF files automatically. Please specify a file name or macro" = "Du valde att automatisera namngivningen av filen. Ange ett filnamn eller makro"
2451 "&Profile name:" = "&Profil namn:"
2452 "Rename computer (%s) to (&DNS):" = "D÷p om datorn (%s) till (&DNS):"
2453 "Rename computer (%s) to (Net&BIOS):" = "D÷p om datorn (%s) till (Net&BIOS):"
2462 "You have installed and registered the same registration key on %1!d! computers. You are allowed to use this registration key only on one computer. Please uninstall from %2!d! computers" = "Du har installerat och registrerat en dator med samma registrerings nyckel som du anvΣnt till %1!d! datorn. Denna registrerings nyckel Σr bara giltig pσ en dator. VΣnligen avinstallera frσn %2!d! datorn"